
Daniel Graber was recently recognized by Super Lawyers as one of the top business litigation attorneys in NYC.

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Read About Some of Our Recent Wins…

We Like to Win.

Attorney websites use all sorts of metaphors to compare litigation to a game or a fight, from chessboards to boxing leprechauns. Leaving aside the cliches, we just like to win. While it’s hard to compare the professional services we offer to a tangible product, there is no doubt that the results we achieve have a real impact on the clients we assist. Our results become our reputation, and we understand that in the real world, reputation is everything. We are not too shy to say that we like being known as the firm that often comes out on top.

We Are Business Litigators and Bottom Line Oriented.

We run a business too, and realize that your satisfaction is directly tied to whether the work we are doing as lawyers makes good business sense. We strive to learn your industry and understand the types of problems you face and are often called upon to offer advice on a wide variety of issues. Drawing on our experience as litigators, we offer a unique perspective to consider how a matter would play out if it went to trial to try and solve problems before they escalate.  If a dispute cannot be avoided, we are prepared and do some of our best work in the Courtroom.

We also work with a network of nonlegal professionals to make sure we see the bigger picture and offer solutions that are integrated with other aspects of your business.  By keeping a careful eye on the time we bill and the expenses we  incur, we make sure that the fees we charge are in line with the results we achieve.   In the end, we know that you are likely to be a long-term client only if the work we do has a positive impact on your bottom line.


We Enjoy Practicing Law and Are Always Thinking Outside the Box.

We enjoy the challenge of litigation and relish our professional achievements.

We are creative, and look at every case as a new challenge.  Many lawyers try to solve new problems exactly the same way they solved old problems.  This limits inventiveness, and causes attorneys to look at current issues through the narrow lens of past experience.  The only way to achieve a great result is to think outside the box and find ways to move the law into harmony with your current objectives, rather than the other way around. We treat each matter as a fresh opportunity to craft a new and better solution to keep up with the ever changing landscape of business.